Oh, the Places we went and the things we saw! Truly, there is no great way to properly convey the amount of witchery we engaged in on this trip. I mean, literally, every day we visited pagan sites, met with witch-friends, signed our books at events, went to a pub moot or two, met an eminent professor of Pagan studies (Yes! That one), and cavorted about with the appropriate respect, reverence, with a dash of devil may careity (that's a word, right?). What you'll see below is a smattering of places we saw, from the neolithic to the modern. Feel free to ask us about your favourite pics if you're not sure what you're looking at. You can hear all about our adventures on our podcast, which is pretty entertaining, and maybe easier to digest. Season Three - Episodes 4, 5, & 6 cover it all and then some.
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